Who Are the Democrats? Parts I & II

“Let us say that there are two sorts of poetical minds – one kind apt at inventing fables and the other disposed to believe them”
– Galileo Galilei

The Parties

The Republicans are made up of  moderates and pro-Constitutional conservatives. The party is largely peopled by small business owners, who believe that doing what is good for business brings everyone prosperity. They were originally formed in 1854, from disillusioned northern Democrats, Abolitionists, Free Land Party members and the remnants of the Whig Party who all came together to stop the spread of slavery to the western territories and eventually end it in the Democratic South.
Modern Republicans, being from the business world, generally are known for more effective leadership, fiscal responsibility and critical decision-making than their Democratic counterparts. They also seem to have a better grasp of foreign affairs and world trade. Where this party’s candidates fall down is often in the area of image. They may have all the disciplines in place and still lose the voter popularity contest.
Republicans are often faced with having to reverse the spending excesses of Democratic years, which may not be possible without control of the presidency and the House. Belt tightening after the free spending days of Democratic rule, makes fiscal conservatism very unpopular, with voters.
There are also fewer Republican politicians, simply because likely candidates are still busy carving out a success in the private sector. After all, this is where Republicans get their leadership, managerial and economic training.

The Democrats (1792-present) have evolved to become an unholy trinity of Old Time Democrats, Liberals and Progressives all existing at the same time and interacting to achieve those political goals which they may have in common. A unifying concept is a true enmity for the Right.
Let’s first turn our attention to the Old Time Democrats, some of whom have never gotten over the death of the Confederacy. They are the racist zealots, like L.B.J. and Robert Byrd, who have instituted the “Great Society” institutions of neo-slavery. They succeeded in re-enslaving black people in the U.S., where their ancestors failed. The welfare state robs its victims of self-esteem, leaving them dependent and powerless to do anything but vote for Democratic candidates. They regularly attract the votes of white supremacists, neo-nazis, KKK and others of that ilk.
The Liberals are next and in the greatest number. They believe the U.S. Constitution allows ever-wider interpretation and have done the most, so far, to overturn the country’s principles in favor of a peculiarly socialist view of equality. They have always counted on the votes of big labor, bureaucrats, black panthers, immigrants and organized crime.
The Progressives are an ever-growing and potentially more dangerous element in the Democratic Party. They follow the failed philosophies of the post-Stalinist/Marxist form of universal communism. They believe that the world would be better without nations and capitalism, with the people all living as exact equals. This has historically led to universal poverty and a police state, but they admit to no failure of communism, just to the errors of incompetent leaders or unfair outside pressures. The party progressives get their votes from academics, labor unionists and some immigrant groups.

Who are the Democrats? Part I
by Thom Gorman, Published 1/5/2012

Why is this important? The Democratic Party is our oldest political party and with its policy changes and name changes in the past 200 plus years you might expect some confusion to have set in.

Any political entity, with such a long history must have a few skeletons in its closet. The Democrats have millions, literally. They are very real skeletons indeed.

The Democratic Party existed in both the southern and northern United States, but mainly represented all the plantation owners of the South and the institution of chattel slavery. Simply speaking every captured African and U.S. born slave was bought, owned and worked to death by a Democrat. Every law controlling the confinement, punishment, life and death of a slave was written, voted on, passed and enforced by Democrats. There was virtually no other political group in the whole of the South.
The Democratic Party tried to spread slavery all over the western U.S. and was stalled and put off by representatives and senators from a coalition of several small anti-slavery parties like the Abolitionist, Know Nothing and Free Land Parties and religious groups like the Quakers, Catholics and Jews.
Slavery was an abomination that needed to be dealt with. The answer came in 1854, when the small groups decided to permanently join forces against this great evil and became the Republican Party. Their goal was to immediately stop the spread of slavery and ultimately free all slaves.
In 1860 and 1861 several big events took place under Abe Lincoln’s new administration. First the Republican Congressional majority voted down the western expansion of slavery. Because of this ruling South Carolina seceded from the United States and fired on U.S. Fort Sumter starting the American Civil War. There were 623,026 casualties from the war that was started and fought over SLAVERY only.
Moving forward the postwar militant arm of the Democratic Party, known popularly as the KKK lynched over 3,000 southern Republicans during the 12 years of Congressional Reconstruction.
The many deaths throughout the hundred years of racist, Democrat-enforced segregation are impossible to calculate.

Democrat Woodrow Wilson pushed the U.S. to intervene in WWI, which was winding down to a stalemate. He just couldn’t let the war end without a clear victory for England and France. 116,708 young Americans died directly because of Wilson’s intervention.
An interesting aside from WWI is that Germany (the aggressor) was so severely punished by the vindictive French, that a person like Hitler seemed their only salvation. Hitler murdered 11,000,000 innocent people and Wilson’s arrogance and stupidity must bear much of the responsibility.
Wilson’s actions led fairly directly to starting WWII, where Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt repeatedly baited Japanese forces to attack us, giving him reason to join the war, where we lost 407,316 more young Americans.

The Truman doctrine, under Democrat Harry Truman, took us into the Korean War and the deaths of another 36,914 young Americans.

Democrat John F. Kennedy bumped up our military presence in Vietnam and his successor Lyndon Baines Johnson made it into a full-scale ten-year war costing 58,169 more American lives. By the way, Johnson robbed the Social Security Trust, to finance the Vietnam War. The hits just keep on coming.

Bill Clinton made a spectacular waste of American lives, when he failed to defend the country against Osama bin Ladin and al Qaeda’s four attacks against U.S. sovereign interests, made during his watch. Clinton must take the full blame for emboldening bin Ladin and his group to attack us on September 11, 2001 (2,996 deaths) and the current war in Afghanistan (over 1600 so far). Clinton sent 55 more Americans to die in Somalia and Bosnia.

The totals are significant, Democratic presidents and Democratic policies have sent over 1,245,133 Americans to their deaths. Those figures don’t include an estimated 2,000,000 enslaved Africans who died on the plantations of their Democratic masters nor does it include the 11,000,000 murdered in Germany and elsewhere in Europe as a result of Woodrow Wilson’s meddling.

Historically only Russia’s Stalin killed more people than the Democrats, who hold the record for wasting American lives.

In contrast, military action under Republican presidents has lost 5,112 American lives divided among actions in Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Beirut and El Salvador and divided among Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.

The answer to the opening question is now very, very clear.

The Democrats are the biggest takers of American lives and destroyers of American families on planet Earth.

Who are the Democrats? Part II

By Thom Gormam / published February 3, 2012

What follows is a summary of the racial leanings, of our presidents. Do not take anything I have written as pure fact. Please research farther. My main source has been Wikipedia and other web resources.
U.S. history text books and other general histories have been heavily edited, to make racism appear non-political. I suggest the reader find a copy of Tonya Bolden’s “Cause”, which presents a more accurate picture of the lead up to, and the aftermath of, the Civil War. You will not be confused about the cause, of this greatest American tragedy, ever again.
In the spirit of full disclosure – I personally hated LBJ and consider him to be the most evil, dishonest, stupid and racist man to ever hold the office of president. Kennedy, Carter, Clinton and Obama, I believe to be nothing more than amoral, political opportunists, the last two with an anti-American ideology. Obamas’s present political agenda borders on sedition.
Dwight David Eisenhower will, I believe, be hailed as the greatest president, of the 20th Century. He and Harry Truman inspired my anti-segregation demonstrations, which took place, during Ike’s early presidency. Thanks Ike. Thanks Harry.

Washington,George               None Owned 216 slaves
Adams, John                           Federalist No slaves
Jefferson, Thomas                  Democratic-Republican Owned 130 slaves
Madison, James                      Democratic-Republican Owned 16 slaves
Monroe, James                        Democratic-Republican Owned 30-40 slaves
Adams, John Quincy              Democratic-Republican No slaves
Jackson, Andrew                    Democrat Owned 160 slaves
Van Buren, Martin                   Democrat Owned 1 slave
Harrison, William Henry         Whig Owned unknown number of slaves and pushed to move slavery to the western territories.
Tyler, John                              Whig Owned unknown number of slaves
Polk, James Knox                   Democrat Owned 15 slaves
Taylor, Zachary                       Whig Owned 100+ slaves
Fillmore, Millard                      Whig No slaves
Pierce, Franklin                       Democrat No slaves
Buchanan, James                   Democrat Kept black “indentured servants” (legal slaves)
Lincoln, Abraham                   Republican No slaves. Freed all slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation.
Johnson, Andrew                   Democrat Owned unknown number of slaves
 Grant, Ulysses S.                    Republican  Owned no slaves, but paid for the freedom of slaves owned by other family members.
Hayes, Rutherford B.   Republican Former Union General rendered U.S. government jobs race neutral. Fought to keep troops in the Democratic South to protect black people’s right to vote in federal elections.
Garfield, James A.         Republican Promoted many blacks to higher government posts. Used his presidency to push for universal education to defeat southern Democrats ban on black education.
Arthur, Chester A.              Republican Pushed for civil service reform with hiring and promotion, based on merit, not race.
Cleveland, Grover                   Democrat By all accounts an honest law-abiding non-racist leader
Harrison, Benjamin                 Republican Former Union General and promoter of racial equality, in all matters. He ordered the prosecutions for violation of voting rights in the South; however, southern white juries often failed to convict or indict violators.
Cleveland, Grover                   Democrat By all accounts an honest law-abiding non-racist leader
McKinley, William                   Republican Unremarkable in matters of race or racism.
Roosevelt, Theodore              Republican  Banned segregation of Japanese in California schools. Appointed Jewish and black people to federal office.
Taft, William Howard              Republican Unremarkable in matters of race or racism.
Wilson, Woodrow              Democrat White supremacist, who fired all black U.S. government officials, imposed segregation on the federal government, resegregated the U.S. Navy and defended the KKK. Unnecessarily pushed U.S. into WWI.
Harding, Warren G.        Republican Sometimes referred to as the U.S. first “African-American president”, because of mixed racial heritage. He was the first President to openly advocate black political, educational, and economic equality, during the 20th century.
Coolidge, Calvin             Republican Coolidge proposed a commission to bridge the divide between the races and pushed to end lynchings. Coolidge spoke out in favor of the civil rights of blacks and Catholics and signed the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 into law.
Hoover, Herbert    Republican Entertained black Americans at the White House. . His term in office was otherwise unremarkable in matters of race or racism.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.   Democrat Though not seen as a racist, he stopped anti-lynching legislation and interred Japanese-American citizens in labor camps and confiscated their property, without due process. He set up segregated WPA and CCC camps during the Depression.
Truman, Harry                Democrat Though personally a racist, he signed executive orders for desegregation of the military, but did not implement them. He pushed for civil rights reform.
 Eisenhower, Dwight D.  Republican He desegregated the military and He proposed and pushed through the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960 and signed those acts into law, they constituted the first significant civil rights legislation, since 1875. Ike placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent the 101st Airborne Division to protect nine black students’ entry to Little Rock Central High School, an all-white public school, for the first time since the Reconstruction era
Kennedy, John F.        Democrat Though not known to be a racist, as senator, he voted against the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960 and personally disliked the Republican leader, of anti-segregation movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Kennedy apparently took up the mantle of civil rights reform for purely political reasons.
Johnson, Lyndon B.        Democrat As senator he gutted the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1960 and is seen, by many, as being behind the murders of JFK, RFK and MLK, Jr.
A lifelong racist, his goal was to re-enslave black people in the welfare system. His presidency was rife with scandals and he left office with millions in illicit gains.
Nixon, Richard M.            Republican His goal was to end segregation, during his watch. He opened more schools to minorities than ever before in U.S. history. His term in office was otherwise unremarkable in matters of race or racism.
Ford, Gerald R.               Republican Unremarkable in matters of race or racism
Carter, JamesDemocrat His move from segregationist to liberal anti-segregationist appears to have been for purely political reasons. He attended a racially segregated church as president.
 Reagan, Ronald            Republican  Unremarkable in matters of race or racism
Bush, George H. W.  Republican Unremarkable in matters of race or racism
Clinton, William        Democrat Unremarkable in matters of race or racism
Bush, George W.                 Republican Unremarkable in matters of race or racism. First U.S. president to give major cabinet posts to black Americans.
Obama, Barack            Democrat Unremarkable in matters of race or racism, but appears willing to brand others racist, through surrogates, for purely political gain. 

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