Why Do School Shootings Happen? by Thom Gorman

We have just had another devastating school shooting and once again it was committed by a recent student of the same school.
It is being highly politicized as a gun issue, which it definitely is NOT. The students of religious schools, private schools and military schools have NO record of such actions, yet they have the same opportunities to possess guns and shoot their fellow students. The radicalization of these killers is taking place right in our public schools by peers and the very people we trust to educate them
– their teachers.

Before you decide to throw me into a fiery pit, hear me out. I am not saying or even insinuating that all teachers are involved, but far too many are.
Our social media is filled with reports of students being disciplined, kicked out of class or shamed by agenda-driven partisan teachers, instructors and professors. They refuse to allow their students to think independently or in opposition, even though it isn’t even the subject of the class.
The fault starts and ends with the Public Education System. We are allowing the indoctrination of our children along the lines of a false, revisionist and leftist view of America.
Society and our kids deserve far better than that.

Furthering the left’s agenda leaves our children with a substandard education; a false idea of U.S., regional and world history and in some cases the radicalization of the more troubled and violent students. This fosters school shootings and has to end.

We need to thoroughly vet the staff, teachers and administrators of EVERY public school at EVERY grade level. This will require that we rewrite history books to reflect the truth, not to hide or excuse the dealings of a major political party. Mental health issues MUST also be dealt with IMMEDIATELY.
Ultimately we need to close the public schools and make alternatives available to all student citizens. Our public schools have been out of control, for many years now, and only seem to be trending worse.
We also need to move the debate from the false flags of gun control or NRA culpability to the failure of the whole system of public education.

If religious schools, private schools and others can maintain an unblemished record, then we must find the way to de-radicalize the teaching profession, fire the bad eggs and save our children from any more school shootings.

About Thom Gorman

Knowledgable, concerned U.S. citizen, anti-segregation pioneer, who's personal mission is to remove political revisions from U.S. history and see the truth told once again.. Technical writer, photographer, copy writer, and blogger
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